The young professor with the bouncy, springy walk – and that million dollar grin

I had not intended to write in my reminiscence of President Walter Gage. After all, I was a lowly Arts student to whom Maths was a necessary evil of freshman year. However, after reading the current UBC Reports last night, I decided that I, too, wanted to stand and be counted in the unique tribute to this legend in his own time.

In the cozy UBC of the immediate pre-war period, nearly everyone knew everyone else. (Even lowly Arts students knew Engineers!) Certainly, everybody knew the young professor with the bouncy, springy walk – and that million dollar grin. As Pierre Berton said, “he was one of us.”

Years later, during a visit home, before returning to Vancouver to live after many years spent in eastern Canada, I drove out to the campus for a nostalgic look around. But – nostalgia became frustration! Such a vast change – nothing was familiar – one couldn’t even drive down the Mall! And then – coming towards me – that man with the remembered bouncy, springy walk – and that million dollar smile! It was still my campus – my University – after nearly 30 years!

What a privilege to belong to the Age of Gage!

C.A. Willis
UBC Grad 1941