“What is more important is your own decision to help others”

This story is related to the previous one I submitted about the 1977 Walter Gage EUS dinner that took place on September 28, 1977.  I remember as we walked away from the Faculty Club after the dinner, many of us vowed to take his suggestions seriously, and find some useful way to help disadvantaged people.

My action was to volunteer to spend an hour per day reading books to audio tape for students who were visually impaired. A week later, early in October, I thought I should close the loop with Walter and let him know that his encouragement at the Faculty Club EUS dinner for us to help others had been very motivating; and that I had acted upon his advice. I wrote him a short note, to this effect and dropped the note into his mail-slot in the Mathematics building, where I was teaching a Math 100 class as a sessional lecturer. He tracked down my address and sent me this letter in response.

Doug Dean
BASC 1978
PhD 1985